Revisit the 2024 Tucson Humanities Festival
The University of Arizona College of Humanities invites you to continue enjoying the programming featured in October for the Tucson Humanities Festival. Event recordings and other bonus content are available for select events in our line-up featured below. Thank you for celebrating National Arts & Humanities month with us!
Connect with us…
In the quest for health and vitality, the humanities cultivates wholeness for people, their families and their communities. Though conventional medicine focuses on the body, the mind cannot be separated. Integrating both ancient and new insights can encourage healing and human flourishing. Join us in exploring the zone of discovery where medicine and the humanities overlap. What does it mean to be well?

OCT 9 @ 6PM
Dr. Andrew Weil: Integrating Health & Humanities
OCT 17 @ 7PM
Brandon Som: Community & Belonging in the Borderlands
OCT 23 @ 10AM
Health Humanities Fair & Café
OCT 29 @ 5:30PM
Faculty Salon: Humanities = Health